Standing folding dining table 60 cm
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For the decoration of the wedding reception room, some people put a lot on the room at the expense of the guest tables. This is a mistake not to commit. To delight your guests, here is how to decorate their tables.
Choose one theme for your marriage is an important step for decoration your marriage. Thanks to it, you will have an idea of the material to be chosen for the fabric that will cover the tables and the objects that will have to be put there. Several themes are at your disposal. To choose one, you just have to let your desires and imagination run free.
The theme found will guide you on the color code to choose. It is nevertheless essential to make a rather suitable color choice. Avoid putting a lot of it, it might overload the table and make its decoration less aesthetic. Three colors that dominate are largely enough. However, it is possible to put all small color touches on the menus for example.
To better define the place of each chair around the guests, you must choose a given table form. This choice will depend on the number of guests you want to have around each of them. Some table shapes allow you to have a particular atmosphere. So you can take this into account for your choice.
One of the elements that attract the most attention of guests to a table is what is in the center. So, for your table center, you have the possibility to opt for a floral composition for example. It is also what is found at many weddings, because it gives a romantic atmosphere to the ceremony.
Apart from that, you can also put some accessories on the theme you chose for your wedding. This can be for example a set of shells for a theme related to the sea. Leave your imagination free.
The dishes are an integral part of the guest table, so you must include them to your decoration. For their choice, you must take into account your theme and style that you have selected for the decoration of your table. Make sure there is a concordance.
- Consider the stationery: For a perfect decoration, you need to take into account other details. Stationery is part of it. You must maintain a certain logic between them and the theme, taking into account, for example, patterns or colours. This will seduce even more your guests.
- Pay attention to your lighting: A very last touch that can highlight the beauty of your decoration is the light. Take the pain of making a decoration taking into account it. A bad one lighting your piece will not highlight the work that has been provided.
Finally, for the decoration of the guest table, you must take into account several points such as the choice of theme and the center of the table. Once decorated, they bring a certain charm to your wedding place.
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